GUID 475CCCE2 4A29 4106 826D 873FBE671DC4

Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Release Notes

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.7.0

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board20

New Features

  • All applications have been migrated from MHC to MCC.

  • Low Power demo application updated with Wi-Fi connected sleep modes(WSM and WDS).

  • Updated OTA bootloader and application with support for WOLFSSL and Trustflex.

  • Please refer to the system services release notes.

Known Issues

  • In paho mqtt client power save application, user is requested to ensure that plib_clk.c, app_mqtt.c , app_mqtt.h,app.c and app.h files are not overwritten with generated code.

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.6.1

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board20

Known Issues

  • Due to an underlying issue in the underlying net repo, you need to turn off -Werror for the icmp.c file in your projects.

  • While programming the image into hardware, user may observe the “Target Device ID is an Invalid Device Id” warning which needs to be ignored. The issue will be resolved with new DFP package release.

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.6.0

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board19

Known Issues

  • Due to an underlying issue in the underlying net repo, you need to turn off -Werror for the icmp.c file in your projects.

  • L2 Bridging is known to have some instabilities when there is high network data traffic.

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.5.1

Note : This is an incremental release. All notes under the v3.5.0 release are applicable to this release as well.

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board17

Known Issues

  • Due to an underlying issue in the DHCP code in net repo, compiler optimization should be turned off in the dual interface project.

  • L2 Bridging is known to have some instabilities when there is high network data traffic.

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.5.0

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board17

Known Issues

  • Due to an underlying issue in the DHCP code in net repo, compiler optimization should be turned off in the dual interface project.

  • L2 Bridging is known to have some instabilities when there is high network data traffic.

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for PIC32MZ W1 family v3.4.1

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
PIC32MZ W1 Curiosity Board17

New Features

  • Split wireless apps into a seperate repo

Bug fixes

  • None

Known Issues

  • None