Pointer Reference Graph

Other important information contained in the assembly list file is the pointer reference graph (look for pointer list with targets: in the list file). This is a list of each pointer contained in the program and each target the pointer can reference through the program. The size and type of each target is indicated, as well as the size and type of the pointer variable itself.

For example, the following shows a pointer called task_tmr in the C code. It is local to the function timer_intr(). It is also a pointer to an unsigned int, and it is one byte wide. There is only one target to this pointer and it is the member timer_count in the structure called task. This target variable resides in the BANK0 class and is two bytes wide.

timer_intr@task_tmr   PTR unsigned int  size(1); Largest target is 2
-> task.timer_count(BANK0[2]),

The pointer reference graph shows both pointers to data objects and pointers to functions.