Numeric Constants

The assembler performs all arithmetic with signed 32-bit precision.

The default radix for all numbers is 10. Other radices can be specified by a trailing base specifier, as given in the Table 1 table.

Table 1. Numbers And Bases
Radix Format
Binary Digits 0 and 1 followed by B
Octal Digits 0 to 7 followed by O, Q, o or q
Decimal Digits 0 to 9 followed by D, d or nothing
Hexadecimal Digits 0 to 9, A to F preceded by 0x or followed by H or h

Hexadecimal numbers must have a leading digit (e.g., 0ffffh) to differentiate them from identifiers. Hexadecimal digits are accepted in either upper or lower case.

Note that a binary constant must have an upper case B following it, as a lower case b is used for temporary (numeric) label backward references.

In expressions, real numbers are accepted in the usual format, and are interpreted as IEEE 32-bit format.