Specifications And Filename

Hexmate can process Intel HEX files that use either INHX32 or INHX8M format. Additional specifications can be applied to each HEX file to place restrictions or conditions on how this file should be processed.

If any specifications are used, they must precede the filename. The list of specifications will then be separated from the filename by a comma.

A range restriction can be applied with the specification rStart-End, where Start and End are both assumed to be hexadecimal values. A range restriction will cause only the address data falling within this range to be used. For example:


will use myfile.hex as input, but only process data which is addressed within the range 100h-1FFh (inclusive) from that file.

An address shift can be applied with the specification sOffset. If an address shift is used, data read from this HEX file will be shifted (by the offset specified) to a new address when generating the output. The offset can be either positive or negative. For example:


will shift the block of data from 100h-1FFh to the new address range 2100h-21FFh.

Be careful when shifting sections of executable code. Program code should only be shifted if it is position independent.