Addrqual Option

The-maddrqual=action option indicates the compiler’s response to non-standard memory qualifiers in C source code, as shown in the table below.

Table 1. Compiler Response To Memory Qualifiers
Action Response
require The qualifiers will be honored. If they cannot be met, an error will be issued.
request The qualifiers will be honored, if possible. No error will be generated if they cannot be followed.
ignore The qualifiers will be ignored and code compiled as if they were not used.
reject If the qualifiers are encountered, an error will be immediately generated.

The __near qualifier is affected by this option. On PIC18 devices, this option affects the __far qualifier; and for other 8-bit devices, the __bank(x) qualifier. By default, these qualifiers are ignored; i.e., they are accepted without error, but have no effect. Using this option allows these qualifiers to be interpreted differently by the compiler.

For example, when using the option -maddrqual=request, the compiler will try to honor any non-standard qualifiers, but silently ignore them if they cannot be met.