Compiler Messages

All compiler applications use textual messages to report feedback during the compilation process.

There are several types of messages, described below. The behavior of the compiler when encountering a message of each type is also listed.

Advisory Messages
Conveys information regarding a situation the compiler has encountered or some action the compiler is about to take. The information is being displayed “for your interest” and typically requires no action to be taken. Compilation will continue as normal after such a message is issued.
Warning Messages
Indicates source code or other situations that can be compiled, but is unusual and might lead to runtime failures of the code. The code or situation that triggered the warning should be investigated; however, compilation of the current module will continue, as will compilation of any remaining modules.
Error Messages
Indicates source code that is illegal or that compilation of code cannot take place. Compilation will be attempted for the remaining source code in the current module (however the cause of the initial error might trigger further errors) and compilation of the other modules in the project will take place, but the project will not be linked.
Fatal Messages
Indicates a situation in which compilation cannot proceed and which forces the compilation process to stop immediately.

A list of warning and error messages, and descriptions can be found in Error and Warning Messages.