Status Register (SREG) and Boolean Formula



 clr r29 ; Clear Y high byte
 ldi r28,$60 ; Set Y low byte to $60
 ld r0,Y+ ; Load r0 with data space loc. $60(Y post inc)
 ld r1,Y ; Load r1 with data space loc. $61
 ldi r28,$63 ; Set Y low byte to $63
 ld r2,Y ; Load r2 with data space loc. $63
 ld r3,-Y ; Load r3 with data space loc. $62(Y pre dec)
 ldd r4,Y+2 ; Load r4 with data space loc. $64
1 (2 bytes)

(i): 1(2)

(ii): 2

(iii): 3(2)

Cycles XMEGA

(i): 1(1)

(ii): 1(1)

(iii): 2(1)

(iv): 2(1)

  1. 1.
    Note: If the LD instruction is accessing internal SRAM, one extra cycle is inserted.
  2. 2.
    Note: LD instruction can load data from program memory since the flash is memory mapped. Loading data from the data memory takes one clock cycle, and loading from the program memory takes two clock cycles. But if an interrupt occur (before the last clock cycle) no additional clock cycles are necessary when loading from the program memory. Hence, the instruction takes only one clock cycle to execute.

    LD instruction with pre-decrement can load data from program memory since the flash is memory mapped. Loading data from the data memory takes two clock cycles, and loading from the program memory takes three clock cycles. But if an interrupt occur (before the last clock cycle) no additional clock cycles are necessary when loading from the program memory. Hence, the instruction takes only one clock cycle to execute.