Machine Interrupt Enable Register (mie)

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Individual interrupts are enabled by setting the appropriate bit in the mie register described in the following table.

Table 1. Machine Interrupt Enable Register (mie)
Bits Field Name Attributes Description
0 Reserved WIRI
1 SSIE RW Supervisor Software Interrupt Enable
2 Reserved WIRI
3 MSIE RW Machine Software Interrupt Enable
4 Reserved WIRI
5 STIE RW Supervisor Timer Interrupt Enable
6 Reserved WIRI
7 MTIE RW Machine Timer Interrupt Enable
8 Reserved WIRI
9 SEIE RW Supervisor Global Interrupt Enable
10 Reserved WIRI
11 MEIE RW Machine Global Interrupt Enable
[15:12] Reserved WIRI
16 LIE0 RW Local Interrupt 0 Enable
17 LIE1 RW Local Interrupt 1 Enable
18 LIE2 RW Local Interrupt 2 Enable
63 LIE47 RW Local Interrupt 47 Enable