Supervisor Mode Interrupts

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For improved performance, the CPU Core Complex includes interrupt and exception delegation CSRs to direct the required interrupts and exceptions to Supervisor mode. This capability is enabled by mideleg and medeleg CSRs. Supervisor interrupts and exceptions can be managed via supervisor interrupt CSRs stvec, sip, sie, and scause. Machine mode software can also directly write to the sip register to pend an interrupt to Supervisor mode. A typical use case is the timer and software interrupts, which may have be to handled in both Machine and Supervisor modes. For more information about RISC-V supervisor interrupts, see The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume II: Privileged Architecture, Version 1.10.

By setting the corresponding bits in the mideleg and medeleg CSRs, the Machine mode software can delegate the required interrupts and exceptions to Supervisor mode. Once a delegated trap is asserted, mcause is copied into scause and mepc is copied into sepc, and then, the Hart traps to the stvec address in Supervisor mode. Local interrupts can not be delegated to Supervisor mode. The register description of the delegation and supervisor CSRs are described in the following sections.