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The following acronyms are used in this document.

Table 1. List of Acronyms
Acronym Expanded
ACR Acceptance Code Register
AHB Advanced High-performance Bus
AMP Asymmetric Multi-Processing
AMR Acceptance Mask Register
APB Advanced Peripheral Bus
BEU Bus Error Unit
CAN Control Area Network
CDC Clock Domain Crossing
CLINT Core Local Interrupt Controller.
CSR Control and STATUS Register
dCache Data Cache
DMA Direct Memory Access
DTIM Data Tightly Integrated Memory (also called as SRAM)
ECC Error Correction Code
EDAC Error Detection and Correction
EIP Electrical Interconnect and Package
eMMC embedded Multi-Media Controller
eNVM embedded Non-Volatile Memory/BootFlash
FIC Fabric Interface Controller
FSBL First Stage Boot Loader
GEM Gigabit Ethernet MAC
GPIO General Purpose Inputs/Outputs
Hart Hardware thread/core/processor core
HLP Higher-layer Protocols
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
iCache Instruction Cache
IrDA Infrared Data Association
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISA Instruction Set Architecture
ITIM Instruction Tightly Integrated Memory
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
LIM Loosely Integrated Memory
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Media Access Controller
MMU Memory Management Unit
MMUART Multi-mode Universal Asynchronous/Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter
MPU Memory Protection Unit
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSS Microprocessor Sub-System
OTG On-The-Go
POR Power-on Reset
PLIC Platform-Level Interrupt Controller
PMP Physical Memory Protection
PTE Page Table Entry
QSPI Quad Serial Peripheral Interface
RO Read only
ROM Read-only Memory
RTC Real-time Counter

RISC-V 64-bit ISA, where,

I = Base Integer Instruction Set

M = Standard Extension for Integer Multiplication and Division

A = Standard Extension for Atomic Instructions

C = Standard Extension for Compressed Instructions


RISC-V 64-bit ISA, where,


I = Base Integer Instruction Set

M = Standard Extension for Integer Multiplication and Division

A = Standard Extension for Atomic Instructions

F = Standard Extension for Single-Precision Floating-Point

D = Standard Extension for Double-Precision Floating-Point

C = Standard Extension for Compressed Instructions

RW Read/Write
RZI Return to Zero Inverted
SCB System Controller Bus
SCL Serial Clock Line


Secure Digital


Secure Digital Input Output

SDS Smart Distributed System
SECDED Single-Error Correction and Double-Error Detection
SMBus System Management Bus


Serial Peripheral Interface

SST Single-shot Transmission
TLB Translation Look-aside Buffer
USB Universal Serial Bus
VIPT Virtually Indexed Physically Tagged
WIRI Writes-Ignored, Reads-Ignore field. A read-only register field reserved for future use. Writes to the field are ignored, and reads should ignore the value returned.
WARL Write-Any Read-Legal field. A register field that can be written with any value, but returns only supported values when read.
WIRI Writes-Ignored, Reads-Ignore field. A read-only register field reserved for future use. Writes to the field are ignored, and reads should ignore the value returned.
WLRL Write-Legal, Read-Legal field. A register field that should only be written with legal values and that only returns legal value if last written with a legal value.
WO Write only
WPRI Writes-Preserve Reads-Ignore field. A register field that may contain unknown information. Reads should ignore the value returned, but writes to the whole register should preserve the original value.
XIP Execute In Place