PTP Strobes

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There are a number of strobe signals from the GEM to the FPGA fabric. These signals indicate the transmission/reception of various PTP frames. The following table lists these signals.

Table 1. PTP Strobe Signals
Signal Name Description
DELAY_REQ_RX Asserted when the PTP RX delay request is detected.
DELAY_REQ_TX Asserted when the PTP TX delay request is detected.
PDELAY_REQ_RX Asserted when the PTP PDELAY RX request is detected.
PDELAY_REQ_TX Asserted when the PTP PDELAY TX request is detected.
PDELAY_RESP_RX Asserted when the PTP PDELAY RX response request is detected.
PDELAY_RESP_TX Asserted when the PTP PDELAY TX response request is detected.
SOF_RX Asserted on SFD, de-asserted at EOF.
SOF_TX Asserted on SFD, de-asserted at EOF.
SYNC_FRAME_RX Asserted when the SYNC_FRAME RX response request is detected.
SYNC_FRAME_TX Asserted when the SYNC_FRAME TX response request is detected.