AXI Switch Arbitration

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The AXI Switch arbitration is configured as listed in the following tables.

Table 1. Arbitration of Slave Ports
Slave port Slave Arbitration type

Write and Read Address

Arbitration type

Write Data

0 Default Slave First come first served First come first served This is the default slave that responds to illegal addresses
1-8 Others QoS Arbiter Fair Among equals
9 Trace Slave Priority Priority
Table 2. Arbitration of Master Ports
Master port Master Arbitration type

Write and Read Address

Arbitration type

Write Data

1-8 Others Fair among equals Fair among equals
9 SCB/System Controller Master Priority Priority System Controller comes with the highest priority
10-14 Others Fair among equals Fair among equals
15 Trace Master Priority Priority Trace comes with the highest priority
The following rules are applicable: