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The L2 cache controller has a dedicated scratchpad address region which allows for allocation into the cache using an address range which is not memory backed. This address region is denoted as the L2 Zero Device in MSS Memory Map. Writes to the scratchpad region will allocate into cache ways which are enabled and not masked. Care must be taken with the scratchpad, as there is no memory backing this address space. Cache evictions from addresses in the scratchpad results in data loss.

The main advantage of the L2 scratchpad over the L2-LIM is that it is a cacheable region allowing for data stored to the scratchpad to also be cached in a master’s L1 data cache resulting in faster access.

The recommended procedure for using the L2 Scratchpad is as follows:

  1. 1.Use the WayEnable register to enable the desired cache ways.
  2. 2.Designate a single master which will be allocated into the scratchpad. For this procedure, designate the master as Master S. All other masters (CPU and non-CPU) will be denoted as Masters X.
  3. 3.Masters X: write to the WayMaskX register to mask all ways which are to be used for the scratchpad. This will prevent Masters X from evicting cache lines in the designated scratchpad ways.
  4. 4.Master S: write to the WayMaskX register to mask all ways except the ways which are to be used for the scratchpad. At this point Master S should only be able to allocate into the cache ways meant to be used as a scratchpad.
  5. 5.Master S: write scratchpad data into the L2 Scratchpad address range (L2 Zero Device).
  6. 6.Master S: Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each way to be used as scratchpad.
  7. 7.Master S: Use the WayMaskX register to mask the scratchpad ways for Master S so that it cannot evict cache lines from the designated scratchpad ways.
  8. 8.At this point, the scratchpad ways should contain the scratchpad data, with all masters able to read, write, and execute from this address space, and no masters able to evict the scratchpad contents.