Address Range

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The following table lists the FIC address range in the MSS. FIC0 and FIC1 has two regions, which can be configured using the MSS configurator.

Table 1. FIC Memory Map
FIC Interface No. of Regions Start Address End Address Description
FIC0 2 0x60000000 0x7FFFFFFF 512 MB
0x20_00000000 0x2F_FFFFFFFF 64 GB
FIC1 2 0xE0000000 0xFFFFFFFF 512 MB
0x30_00000000 0x3F_FFFFFFFF 64 GB
FIC3 1 0x40000000 0x5FFFFFFF 512 MB
Note: FIC2 is an AXI4 slave interface from the FPGA fabric and does not show up on the MSS memory map. FIC4 is dedicated to the User Crypto Processor and does not show up on the MSS memory map.