
The Atmel Studio project can be found in the Studio Project folder in the zip-file accompanying this application note, and is called WINC_mega. By changing the device in the Device tab of the project properties (Alt+F7), it can be recompiled for any megaAVR Xplained Mini board.

The megaAVR communicates with the ATWINC1500 module via SPI and uses Timer/Counter1 to time when to send UDP packets.

The Xplained Mini board can be programmed and debugged with the onboard embedded debugger and Atmel Studio. The WINC_mega_328p.hex file found in the Studio Project\programmable folder has been compiled for the ATmega328 and can be programmed directly via ISP if you are using an ATmega328 device.

The fuse settings must be set as follows: