Multi-Pin Configuration

The multi-pin configuration function is used to configure multiple PORT pins in one operation. The wanted pin configuration is first written to the PORTx.PINCONFIG register, followed by a register write, with the selected pins to modify. This allows changing the configuration (PORTx.PINnCTRL) for up to eight pins in one write.
Tip: The PORTx.PINCONFIG register is mirrored on all ports, which allows the use of a single setting across multiple ports. The PORTx.PINCTRLUPD/SET/CLR registers are not mirrored and need to be applied to each port.
For the multi-pin configuration, PORT pins can be configured and modified by writing to the following registers.
Table 1. Multi-Pin Configuration Registers
Register Description
PORTx.PINCONFIG PINnCTRL (ISC, PULLUPEN and INVEN) setting to prepare simultaneous configuration of multiple PINnCTRL registers
PORTx.PINCTRLUPD Writing a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLUPD register will copy the PINCONFIG register content to the PINnCTRL register
PORTx.PINCTRLSET(1) Writing a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLSET register will set the individual bits in the PINnCTRL register, according to the bits set to ‘1’ in the PINCONFIG register
PORTx.PINCTRLCLR(2) Writing a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLCLR register will clear the individual bits in the PINnCTRL register, according to the bits set to ‘1’ in the PINCONFIG register
  1. 1.Using PINCTRLSET to configure non-zero ISC bit fields will result in a bitwise OR with the PINCONFIG and PINnCTRL registers, which may give an unexpected setting.
  2. 2.Using PINCTRLCLR to configure non-zero ISC bit fields will result in a bitwise inverse AND with the PINCONFIG and PINnCTRL registers, which may give an unexpected setting.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to configure multiple PINnCTRL registers, of multiple ports.

Important: Because the PINCONFIG register is mirrored across all the ports, it is enough to only write it once, for PORT A, in this example.
PORTA.PINCONFIG = PORT_ISC_INPUT_DISABLE_gc; /* The setting to load to the PINnCTRL registers */