8-bit AVR Microcontroller

Break-Before-Make Switching

In Break-Before-Make mode, switching the DDRxn bit from input to output introduces an immediate tri-state period lasting one system clock cycle, as indicated in the figure below. For example, if the system clock is 4 MHz and the DDRxn is written to make an output, an immediate tri-state period of 250 ns is introduced before the value of PORTxn is seen on the port pin.

To avoid glitches it is recommended that the maximum DDRxn toggle frequency is two system clock cycles. The Break-Before-Make mode applies to the entire port and it is activated by the BBMx bit. For more details, see PORTCR – Port Control Register.

When switching the DDRxn bit from output to input no immediate tri-state period is introduced.

Figure 1. Switching Between Input and Output in Break-Before-Make-Mode