
A trigger resets the counter and starts the counter clock. Three types of triggers are common to both modes, and a fourth external trigger is available to each mode.

Regardless of the trigger used, it will be taken into account at the following active edge of the selected clock. This means that the counter value can be read differently from zero just after a trigger, especially when a low frequency signal is selected as the clock.

The following triggers are common to both modes:

The channel can also be configured to have an external trigger. In Capture mode, the external trigger signal can be selected between TIOAx and TIOBx. In Waveform mode, an external event can be programmed on one of the following signals: TIOBx, XC0, XC1 or XC2. This external event can then be programmed to perform a trigger by setting TC_CMRx.ENETRG.

If an external trigger is used, the duration of the pulses must be longer than the peripheral clock period in order to be detected.