Differential Mode (12-bit mode)

A differential input voltage VIN = VINP - VINN can be applied between two selected differential pins, e.g. AFE0_AD0 and AFE0_AD1.The ideal code Ci is calculated by using the following formula and rounding the result to the nearest positive integer.


For the other resolution defined by RES, the code Ci is extended to the corresponding resolution.

The table below is a computation example for the above formula, where VVREFP = 3V.

Table 1. Input Voltage Values in Differential Mode, Nonsigned Output
Ci Gain
Signed Nonsigned 1 2 4
-2048 0 -3 -1.5 -0.75
0 2047 0 0 0
2047 4095 3 1.5 0.75