Transfer Hierarchy Diagram

XDMAC Master Transfer: The Master Transfer is composed of a linked list of blocks. The channel address, control and configuration registers can be modified at the inter block boundary. The descriptor structure modifies the channel registers conditionally. Interrupts can be generated on a per block basis or when the end of linked list event occurs.

XDMAC Block: An XDMAC block is composed of a programmable number of microblocks. The channel configuration registers remain unchanged at the inter microblock boundary. The source and destination addresses are conditionally updated with a programmable signed number.

XDMAC Microblock: The microblock is composed of a programmable number of data. The channel configuration registers remain unchanged at the data boundary. The data address may be fixed (a FIFO location, a peripheral transmit or receive register), incrementing (a memory-mapped area) by a programmable signed number.

XDMAC Burst and Incomplete Burst: In order to improve the overall performance when accessing dynamic external memory, burst access is mandatory. Each data of the microblock is considered as a part of a memory burst. The programmable burst value indicates the largest memory burst allowed on a per channel basis. When the microblock length is not an integral multiple of the burst size, an incomplete burst is performed to read or write the last trailing bytes.

XDMAC Chunk and Incomplete Chunk: When a peripheral synchronized transfer is activated, the microblock splits into a number of data chunks. The chunk size is programmable. The larger the chunk is, the better the performance is. When the transfer size is not a multiple of the chunk size, the last chunk may be incomplete.

Figure 1. XDMAC Memory Transfer Hierarchy
Figure 2. XDAMC Peripheral Transfer Hierarchy