LoRaWAN Stack Directory Structure

The following table provides the directory structure of the LoRaWAN stack code base (src/ASF/thirdparty/wireless/lorawan).

Table 1. Directory Structure of LoRaWAN Stack
Directory Description
/hal Contains the implementation for the radio hardware interface, timers, etc.
/inc Contains commonly included file(s)
/mac Contains the headers of the LoRaWAN MAC layer specification independent of regional parameters
/regparams Contains the implementation of the MAC layer functionality specific to the regional bands
/services Contains modules such as software timer, PDS and AES
/sys Contains system modules such as task manager, power management and initialization
/tal Contains transceiver-related headers, drivers for supported transceivers
/pmm Contains the Power Management Module (PMM)
/libgen Contains the static library for the LoRaWAN MAC and TAL

The following table lists the supported hardware platforms and IDE.

Table 2. Supported Hardware Platforms and IDE
Platform MCU Transceiver Evaluation Kits Supported IDE
SAM R34 ATSAMR34J18B Semtech SX1276 SAM R34 Xplained Pro Atmel Studio 7.0
WLR089 ATSAMR34J18B Semtech SX1276 WLR089 Xplained Pro Atmel Studio 7.0