Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch is useful for simple timing between program halts. Reach this window from Window>Debugging>Stopwatch.

To use the Stopwatch:

  1. 1.Optional: Add breakpoint(s) to your program code.
  2. 2.Select Window>Debugging>Stopwatch to open the window.
  3. 3.Debug Run the program until it halts (breakpoints) or you halt it (Pause). Text in the window will state:
Target halted. Stopwatch cycle count = cycles (time)
  4. 4.Debug Run again until the next halt to see other times.
Figure 1. Stopwatch Window with Break Timing

Instruction Cycles

The simulator counts instruction cycles between pausing (halts).

PIC MCUs and dsPIC30F/PIC24F devices use 4 clock cycles per instruction. dsPIC33F/PIC24H devices use 2 clock cycles per instruction.

Clear the stopwatch window contents by clicking the Clear History button.

Processor Frequency

This field, including Frequency units, will be set from File>Project Properties, “Simulator” category, “Oscillator Options” options category.

Window Icons

The stopwatch has the following icons on the left side of the window:

Table 1. Stopwatch Icons
Icon Icon Text Description
Properties This option is not available for MPLAB X Simulator.
Reset Stopwatch on Run Default option - always set.
No Reset Stopwatch on Run This option is not available for MPLAB X Simulator.
Clear History Clear the stopwatch window.
Clear Stopwatch Reset the stopwatch value to zero.