
Given the frequency of the watch crystal, the user can determine the time for each Timer/Counter tick, by selecting the desired pre-scaling factor. As shown in the following table, CS02, CS01, and CS00 in the TCCR0 (Timer/Counter0 Control Register) define the Timer/Counter prescaler source. In the table, clkT0S denotes the frequency of the Timer/Counter0 clock source. For example, if clkT0S equals 32.768kHz, as in our case, the Timer/Counter will tick at a frequency of 256Hz with a prescaler of 128.

Table 1. Timer/Counter0 Prescaler Select
CS02 CS01 CS00 Description (1) Overflow period
0 0 0 Timer/Counter0 is stopped
0 0 1 clkT0S 1/128s
0 1 0 clkT0S/8 1/16s
0 1 1 clkT0S/32 1/4s
1 0 0 clkT0S/64 1/2s
1 0 1 clkT0S/128 1s
1 1 0 clkT0S/256 2s
1 1 1 clkT0S/1024 8s
  1. 1.clkTOS = 32.768kHz.