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1 Introduction
2 LAB 1: Find and run projects from START’s example browser
The main objective of this hands-on LAB is to showcase START’s example browser, to easily find relevant example projects, download, then compile and run in an IDE.
3 LAB 2: EVENTS - GPIO Events on Button press and 2 Hz RTC output
The main objective of this hands-on Lab is to build a simple example using the Event System, RTC periodic interrupt timer and some GPIO. The example involves configuration in the DASHBOARD, PINMUX, CLOCKS config and EVENTS configurator screens.
4 LAB 3: LOGIC - Turn on LED only when both SW0 and SW1 are pressed
Re-configuring the project from LAB2, the logic peripheral is added to the project. Minor modifications are made to all the configuration screens used in LAB2 in addition to using the CCL (Logic) configurator.
5 Conclusion
1 Revision History
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