Pin Configuration

Defines of pin user labels are found in the file atmel_start_pins.h. These user labels match what is configured in the PINMUX CONFIGURATOR.

For example, PB31 is given a user label DGI_SS, which can be seen as the define associated with this pin in the atmel_start_pins.h file:

#include <hal_gpio.h>

#define PA08  GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 8)
#define PA09  GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 9)
#define PA10  GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 10)
#define PA22  GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 22)
#define PA23  GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 23)
#define PB16  GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 16)
#define PB22  GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 22)
#define PB23  GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 23)
#define DGI_SS  GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 31)