
  0x0 8 Write-Protected, Enable-Protected, Write-Synchronized N/A - Loaded from NVM User Row at start-up  


Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access  R/W         R/W R/W    
Reset  x         x x    

Bit 7 – ALWAYSON: Always-On


This bit allows the WDT to run continuously. After being written to one, this bit cannot be written to zero, and the WDT will remain enabled until a power-on reset is received. When this bit is one, the Control register (CTRL), the Configuration register (CONFIG) and the Early Warning Control register (EWCTRL) will be read-only, and any writes to these registers are not allowed. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.

This bit is not enable-protected.

These bits are loaded from NVM User Row at start-up. Refer to NVM User Row Mapping for more details.

0 The WDT is enabled and disabled through the ENABLE bit.
1 The WDT is enabled and can only be disabled by a power-on reset (POR).

Bit 2 – WEN: Watchdog Timer Window Mode Enable

Watchdog Timer Window Mode Enable

The initial value of this bit is loaded from Flash Calibration.

This bit is loaded from NVM User Row at start-up. Refer to NVM User Row Mapping for more details.

0 Window mode is disabled (normal operation).
1 Window mode is enabled.

Bit 1 – ENABLE: Enable


This bit enables or disables the WDT. Can only be written while CTRL.ALWAYSON is zero.

Due to synchronization, there is delay from writing CTRL.ENABLE until the peripheral is enabled/disabled. The value written to CTRL.ENABLE will read back immediately, and the Synchronization Busy bit in the Status register (STATUS.SYNCBUSY) will be set. STATUS.SYNCBUSY will be cleared when the operation is complete.

This bit is not enable-protected.

This bit is loaded from NVM User Row at start-up. Refer to NVM User Row Mapping for more details.

0 The WDT is disabled.
1 The WDT is enabled.