
  0x00 8 Write-Protected 0x00  


Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
        GCLKREQ       SWRST  
Access        R/W       W  
Reset        0       0  

Bit 4 – GCLKREQ: Generic Clock Requests

Generic Clock Requests

This bit is used to determine whether the generic clocks used for the different channels should be on all the time or only when an event needs the generic clock. Events propagated through asynchronous paths will not need a generic clock.

0 Generic clock is requested and turned on only if an event is detected.
1 Generic clock for a channel is always on.

Bit 0 – SWRST: Software Reset

Software Reset

Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.

Writing a one to this bit resets all registers in the EVSYS to their initial state.

Writing a one to CTRL.SWRST will always take precedence, meaning that all other writes in the same write-operation will be discarded.

Note: Before applying a Software Reset it is recommended to disable the event generators.