SAM DCC Sampler

Used to read out data from DCC0 on a SAMD or SAML device. User code running on the device can write characters to DCC0 to implement printf functionality. The debugger polls this location and forwards data received to the host computer.

Table 1. SAM DCC Sampler
Field Size Description
DATA_SAMPLER 1 byte 0x8A
SAMPLE_DCC 1 byte 0x05
ENABLE 1 byte

0x00: disable

0x01: enable

ADDRESS 4 byte Start address of DSU module (containing DCC), MSB first
FLAGS 4 byte
Bits 1:0: destination:
  • b00: send to DGI as data
  • b01: send to HID (reserved)
  • b10: send to DGI as print
  • b11: reserved


Table 2. SAM DCC Sampler Response
Field Size Description
DATA_SAMPLER 1 byte 0x8A
SAMPLE_DCC 1 byte 0x05
Status 1 byte

Status code

0x00: OK

0xFF: Error

Note: This feature is in a beta stage and should be used with caution.