SPI Chip Erase

Perform a chip erase.

Table 1. SPI Chip Erase Command Format
Field Size Description
SPI_CMD_CHIP_ERASE 1 byte Command ID
eraseDelay 1 byte XML: eraseDelay. Delay (in ms) to ensure that the erase is finished
pollMethod 1 byte XML: pollMethod. Poll method: 0 = use delay; 1= use RDY/BSY command
cmd1 1 byte Command Byte # 1 to be transmitted
cmd2 1 byte Command Byte # 2 to be transmitted
cmd3 1 byte Command Byte # 3 to be transmitted
cmd4 1 byte Command Byte # 4 to be transmitted


Table 2. SPI Chip Erase Response
Field Size Description
SPI_CMD_CHIP_ERASE 1 byte Command ID
Status 1 byte