SPI Read Fuse

Reads fuses using SPI programming.

Table 1. SPI Read Fuse Command Format
Field Size Description
SPI_CMD_READ_FUSE 1 byte Command ID
RetAddr 1 byte XML: pollIndex. Return address
cmd1 1 byte Command Byte # 1 to be transmitted
cmd2 1 byte Command Byte # 2 to be transmitted
cmd3 1 byte Command Byte # 3 to be transmitted
cmd4 1 byte Command Byte # 4 to be transmitted
Note: RetAddr indicates which of the transmitted bytes on the SPI interface contains the return value, since the SPI interface is implemented as a ring buffer (one byte in, one byte out).


Table 2. SPI Read Fuse Response
Field Size Description
SPI_CMD_READ_FUSE 1 byte Command ID
Status1 1 byte SPI_STATUS_CMD_OK
Data 1 byte Data read from the device
Status2 1 byte