Interrupt Enable Set

This register allows the user to disable an interrupt without doing a read-modify-write operation. Changes in this register will also be reflected in the Interrupt Enable Clear register (INTENCLR).
  0x04 32 PAC Write-Protection 0x00000000  

Interrupt Enable Set

Bit  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24  
Bit  23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16  
Bit  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8  
Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
            CLKFAIL   XOSC32KRDY  
Access            R/W   R/W  
Reset            0   0  

Bit 2 – CLKFAIL: XOSC32K Clock Failure Detection Interrupt Enable

XOSC32K Clock Failure Detection Interrupt Enable

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will set the XOSC32K Clock Failure Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the XOSC32K Clock Failure interrupt.

0 The XOSC32K Clock Failure Detection is disabled.
1 The XOSC32K Clock Failure Detection is enabled. An interrupt request will be generated when the XOSC32K Clock Failure Detection interrupt flag is set.

Bit 0 – XOSC32KRDY: XOSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable

XOSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will set the XOSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the XOSC32K Ready interrupt.

0 The XOSC32K Ready interrupt is disabled.
1 The XOSC32K Ready interrupt is enabled.