Signal Descriptions List

The following table provides details on signal names classified by peripherals.

Table 1. Signal Descriptions List
Signal Name Function Type
Generic Clock Generator - GCLK
GCLK_IO[4:0] Generators Clock Source (Input) or Generic Clock Signal (Output) Digital I/O
Oscillators Control - OSCCTRL
XIN Crystal Oscillator or External Clock Input Analog Input (Crystal Oscillator)/Digital Input (External Clock)
XOUT Crystal Oscillator Output Analog Output
32 kHz Oscillators Control - OSC32KCTRL
XIN32 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator or External Clock Input Analog Input (Crystal Oscillator)/Digital Input (External Clock)
XOUT32 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Output Analog Output
Serial Communication Interface - SERCOMx
PAD[3:0] General SERCOM Pins Digital I/O
Timer Counter - TCx
WO[1:0] Capture Inputs or Waveform Outputs Digital I/O
Real Timer Clock - RTC
IN[3:0] Tamper Detection Inputs Digital Input
OUT[3:0] Tamper Detection Outputs Digital Output
Analog Comparators - AC
AIN[3:0] AC Comparator Inputs Analog Input
CMP[1:0] AC Comparator Outputs Digital Output
Analog Digital Converter - ADC
AIN[9:0] ADC Input Channels Analog Input
VREFA(1) ADC External Reference Voltage A Analog Input
VREFB ADC External Reference Voltage B Analog Input
Digital Analog Converter - DAC
VOUT DAC Voltage Output Analog Output
VREFA(1) DAC External Reference Voltage A Analog Input
Operational Amplifier - OPAMP
OA[2:0]NEG OPAMP Negative Inputs Analog Input
OA[2:0]POS OPAMP Positive Inputs Analog Input
OA0OUT / OA2OUT OPAMP Outputs Analog Output
Peripheral Touch Controller - PTC
XY[19:0] X-lines and Y-lines Digital Output (X-line) /Analog I/O (Y-line)
Custom Control Logic - CCL
IN[5:0] Inputs to lookup table Digital Input
OUT[1:0] Outputs from lookup table Digital Output
External Interrupt Controller - EIC
EXTINT[7:0] External Interrupts Pins Digital Input
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt Pin Digital Input
General Purpose I/O - PORT
PA11-PA00 / PA19-PA14 / PA25-PA22 / PA27 / PA31-PA30 General Purpose I/O Pin in Port A Digital I/O
Reset Controller - RSTC
RESET External Reset Pin (Active Level: LOW) Digital Input
Debug Service Unit - DSU
SWCLK Serial Wire Clock Digital Input
SWDIO Serial Wire Bidirectional Data Pin Digital I/O
  1. 1.VREFA is shared between the ADC and DAC peripherals.