Reset Cause

When a Reset occurs, the bit corresponding to the Reset source is set to '1' and all other bits are written to '0'.
  0x00 8 –    

Reset Cause

Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access    R R R   R R R  
Reset    x x x   x x x  

Bit 6 – SYST: System Reset Request

System Reset Request

This bit is set if a System Reset Request has occurred. Refer to the Cortex processor documentation for more details.

Bit 5 – WDT: Watchdog Reset

Watchdog Reset

This bit is set if a Watchdog Timer Reset has occurred.

Bit 4 – EXT: External Reset

External Reset

This bit is set if an external Reset has occurred.

Bit 2 – BOD33: Brown Out 33 Detector Reset

Brown Out 33 Detector Reset

This bit is set if a BOD33 Reset has occurred.

Bit 1 – BOD12: Brown Out 12 Detector Reset

Brown Out 12 Detector Reset

This bit is set if a BOD12 Reset has occurred.

Bit 0 – POR: Power On Reset

Power On Reset

This bit is set if a POR has occurred.