Interrupt Flag Status and Clear

  0x006 8 - 0x00  

Interrupt Flag Status and Clear

Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
              DRP ERR  
Access              R/W R/W  
Reset              0 0  

Bit 1 – DRP: Data Remanence Prevention Complete Interrupt

Data Remanence Prevention Complete Interrupt

This flag is set when the data remanence prevention routine has completed, and an interrupt request will be generated if INTENCLR.DRP/INTENSET.DRP is one.

Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.

Writing a one to this bit clears the data remanence prevention complete interrupt flag.

0 Data remanence prevention complete interrupt is disabled.
1 Data remanence prevention complete interrupt is enabled.

Bit 0 – ERR: TrustRAM Read Error Interrupt

TrustRAM Read Error Interrupt

This flag is set when an error is detected in the TrustRAM readout, and an interrupt request will be generated if INTENCLR.ERR/INTENSET.ERR is one.

Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.

Writing a one to this bit clears the TrustRAM read error interrupt flag.

0 TrustRAM read error interrupt is disabled.
1 TrustRAM read error interrupt is enabled.