SAM L11 IDAU Memory Mapping Registers

The tables below summarizes the mapping of the SAM L11 IDAU memory regions.

All the following registers are Read-only registers.

Table 1. SAM L11 IDAU Memory Register Address
Registers (Read-only) Address
SECCTRL 0x41000001
SCFGB 0x41000004
SCFGA 0x41000008
SCFGR 0x4100000C
Table 2. SAM L11 IDAU SECCTRL Register (8-bit)
Bit Position Name
7:0 Reserved RXN (Bit 2) Reserved
Table 3. SAM L11 IDAU SCFGB Register (32-bit)
Bit Position Name
7:0 BS
15:8 Reserved BNSC (bit 8-13)
31:24 Reserved
Table 4. SAM L11 IDAU SCFGA Register (32-bit)
Bit Position Name
7:0 AS
15:8 Reserved ANSC (bit 8-13)
23:16 Reserved DS (bit 16-19)
31:24 Reserved
Table 5. SAM L11IDAU SCFGR Register (8-bit)
Bit Position Name
7:0 Reserved RS (bit 0-6)