Cortex-M23 Configuration

The following table gives the configuration for the ARM Cortex-M23 processor.

Table 1. SAM L10/L11 Cortex-M23 Configuration
Features Cortex-M23 Configurable Options SAM L10 Implementation SAM L11 Implementation
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Not present, 4, 8, 12, or 16 regions One MPU with 4 regions Two MPUs with 4 regions each (one Secure / one Non-Secure)
Security Attribute Unit (SAU) Absent, 4-region, or 8-region Absent Absent
Implementation Defined Attribution Unit (IDAU) Present or Absent Absent Present
SysTick timer(s) Absent, 1 timer or 2 timers (one Secure and one Non-Secure) One SysTick timer Two timers (One Secure / One Non-Secure)
Vector Table Offset Register Present or absent Present (one Vector table) Present (two Vector tables)
Reset all registers Present or absent Absent Absent
Multiplier Fast (one cycle) or slow (32 cycles) Fast (one cycle) Fast (one cycle)
Divider Fast (17 cycles) or slow (34 cycles) Fast (17 cycles) Fast (17 cycles)
Interrupts External interrupts 0-240 45(1) 45(1)
Instruction fetch width 16-bit only or 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit
Single-cycle I/O port Present or absent Present Present
Architectural clock gating present Present or absent Present Present
Data endianness Little-endian or big-endian Little-endian Little-endian
Halting debug support Present or absent Present Present
Wake-up interrupt controller (WIC) Present or absent Absent Absent
Number of breakpoint comparators 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 4 4
Number of watchpoint comparators 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 2 2
Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) Present or absent Absent Absent
Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) Present or absent Absent Absent
Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) Present or absent Absent Absent
JTAGnSW debug protocol Selects between JTAG or Serial-Wire interfaces for the DAP Serial-Wire Serial-Wire
Multi-drop for Serial Wire Present or absent Absent Absent
  1. 1.Refer to Table 1 for more information.

For more details, refer to the ARM Cortex-M23 Processor Technical Reference Manual (