Input Control

  0x08 16 PAC Write-Protection, Write-Synchronized 0x0000  

Input Control

Bit  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8  
Access        R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W  
Reset        0 0 0 0 0  
Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access        R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W  
Reset        0 0 0 0 0  

Bits 12:8 – MUXNEG[4:0]: Negative MUX Input Selection

Negative MUX Input Selection

These bits define the MUX selection for the negative ADC input.

0x00 AIN0 ADC AIN0 pin
0x01 AIN1 ADC AIN1 pin
0x02 AIN2 ADC AIN2 pin
0x03 AIN3 ADC AIN3 pin
0x04 AIN4 ADC AIN4 pin
0x05 AIN5 ADC AIN5 pin
0x06 AIN6 ADC AIN6 pin
0x07 AIN7 ADC AIN7 pin
0x08 - 0x17 - Reserved
0x18 GND Internal ground
0x19 - 0x1F - Reserved

Bits 4:0 – MUXPOS[4:0]: Positive MUX Input Selection

Positive MUX Input Selection

These bits define the MUX selection for the positive ADC input. If the internal bandgap voltage or temperature sensor input channel is selected, then the Sampling Time Length bit group in the Sampling Control register must be written with a corresponding value.

0x00 AIN0 ADC AIN0 pin
0x01 AIN1 ADC AIN1 pin
0x02 AIN2 ADC AIN2 pin
0x03 AIN3 ADC AIN3 pin
0x04 AIN4 ADC AIN4 pin
0x05 AIN5 ADC AIN5 pin
0x06 AIN6 ADC AIN6 pin
0x07 AIN7 ADC AIN7 pin
0x08 AIN8 ADC AIN8 pin
0x09 AIN9 ADC AIN9 pin
0x0A - 0x17 - Reserved
0x18 TEMP Temperature Sensor
0x19 BANDGAP INTREF Voltage Reference
0x1B SCALEDVDDANA 1/4 Scaled VDDANA Supply
0x1C DAC DAC Output
0x1D SCALEDVDDIO 1/4 Scaled VDDIO Supply
0x1E OPAMP01 OPAMP0 or OPAMP1 output
0x1F OPAMP2 OPAMP2 output