
The DMAC can generate the following output events:

Setting the Channel Control B Event Output Enable bit (CHCTRLB.EVOE=1) enables the corresponding output event configured in the Event Output Selection bit group in the Block Transfer Control register (BTCTRL.EVOSEL). Clearing CHCTRLB.EVOE=0 disables the corresponding output event.

The DMAC can take the following actions on an input event (CH0-3):

Setting the Channel Control B Event Input Enable bit (CHCTRLB.EVIE=1) enables the corresponding action on input event. Clearing this bit disables the corresponding action on input event. Note that several actions can be enabled for incoming events. If several events are connected to the peripheral, any enabled action will be taken for any of the incoming events. For further details on event input actions, refer to Event Input Actions.
Note: Event input and outputs are not available for every channel. Refer to Features for more information.