Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Characteristics

Table 1. Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameters Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Res Resolution - - 12 bits
Rs Sampling rate(2) resolution 12 bit (RESSEL = 0) and SAMPLEN = 3 10 - 1000 ksps
Nb_cycles Differential mode

Number of ADC clock cycles


resolution 12 bit (RESSEL = 0) - 16 - cycles
resolution 10 bit (RESSEL = 2) 14
resolution 8 bit (RESSEL = 3) 12
Differential mode

Number of ADC clock cycles


SAMPLEN corresponds to the decimal value of SAMPLEN[5:0]

resolution 12 bit (RESSEL = 0) - SAMPLEN+13 - cycles
resolution 10 bit (RESSEL = 2) SAMPLEN+11
resolution 8 bit (RESSEL = 3) SAMPLEN+9
Single-ended mode

Number of ADC clock cycles


resolution 12 bit (RESSEL = 0) - 16 - cycles
resolution 10 bit (RESSEL = 2) 15
resolution 8 bit (RESSEL = 3) 13
Single-ended mode

Number of ADC clock cycles


SAMPLEN corresponds to the decimal value of SAMPLEN[5:0]

resolution 12 bit (RESSEL = 0) - SAMPLEN+13 - cycles
resolution 10 bit (RESSEL = 2) SAMPLEN+12
resolution 8 bit (RESSEL = 3) SAMPLEN+10
fadc ADC Clock frequency - 160 - 16000 kHz
Ts Sampling time SAMPCTRL.OFFCOMP = 1 250 - 25000 ns
SAMPCTRL.OFFCOMP = 0 (SAMPLEN+1) / fadc - - s
Sampling time with DAC as input (MUXPOS = 0x1C)   3000 - - ns
Sampling time with Bandgap as input (MUXPOS = 0x19)   10000 - -
- Conversion range Diff mode -Vref - Vref V
- Conversion range Single-ended mode 0 - Vref
Vref Reference input   1   VDDANA-0.6 V
Vin Input channel range - 0 - VDDANA V
Vcmin Input common mode voltage For Vref > 1.0V 0.7 - Vref-0.7 V
For Vref = 1.0V 0.3 - Vref-0.3 V
CSAMPLE(1) Input sampling capacitance - 2.8 3.2 pF
RSAMPLE(1) Input sampling on-resistance - - 1715
Rref(1) Reference input source resistance REFCOMP = 1 - - 5 kΩ
  1. 1.These values are based on simulation. They are not covered by production test limits or characterization.
  2. 2.Sampling rate (in samples per second) is equal to Nb_cycles/fadc.
Table 2. Differential Mode (1)(2)
Symbol Parameters Conditions Measurements Unit
Min Typ Max
ENOB Effective Number of bits Fadc = 1Msps Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V 9.1 10.2 10.8 bits
Vref = 1.0V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 9.0 10.1 10.6
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 8.9 9.9 11.0
Bandgap Reference, Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 9.0 9.8 10.6
TUE Total Unadjusted Error without offset and gain compensation Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - 7 32 LSB
INL Integral Non Linearity without offset and gain compensation Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-1.9 +/-4
DNL Differential Non Linearity without offset and gain compensation Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +0.94/-1 +1.85/-1
Gain Gain Error without gain compensation Vref = 1V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.38 +/-1.9 %
Vref = 3V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.14 +/-0.9
Bandgap Reference - +/-0.64 +/-5.4
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.15 +/-0.9
Offset Offset Error without offset compensation Vref = 1V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.13 +/-15.8 mV
Vref = 3V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-1.82 +/-14.9
Bandgap Reference - +/-2.07 +/-15.8
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-1.82 +/-15.3
SFDR Spurious Free Dynamic Range Fs = 1MHz/Fin = 13 kHz/Full range Input signal Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V 58.1 70.5 77.5 dB
SINAD Signal to Noise and Distortion ratio 56.7 63.4 66.5
SNR Signal to Noise ratio 56.5 64.4 67.1
THD Total Harmonic Distortion -74.7 -68.7 -57.7
- Noise RMS External Reference voltage - 0.42 - mV
  1. 1.These values are given without any ADC oversampling and decimation features enabled.
  2. 2.These values are based on characterization. They are not covered in test limits in production.
Table 3. Single-Ended Mode (1)(2)
Symbol Parameters Conditions Measurements Unit
Min Typ Max
ENOB Effective Number of bits Fadc = 1Msps Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V 8.0 9.3 9.7 bits
Vref = 1.0V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 7.9 8.2 9.4
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 8.6 9.2 9.9
Bandgap Reference, Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V 7.8 8.4 8.9
TUE Total Unadjusted Error without offset and gain compensation Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V - 12 63 LSB
INL Integral Non Linearity without offset and gain compensation Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V - +/-3.4 +/-8.9
DNL Differential Non Linearity without offset and gain compensation Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V - +0.9/-1 +1.8/-1
Gain Gain Error without gain compensation Vref = 1V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.3 +/-5.1 %
Vref = 3V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.3 +/-5.1
Bandgap Reference - +/-0.4 +/-5.1
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-0.2 +/-0.8
Offset Offset Error without offset compensation Vref = 1V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-2.6 +/-45 mV
Vref = 3V Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-2.6 +/-45
Bandgap Reference - +/-1.3 +/-34
Vref = Vddana = 1.62V to 3.6V - +/-1.8 +/-37
SFDR Spurious Free Dynamic Range Fs = 1MHz/ Fin = 13 kHz/Full range Input signal Vref = 2.0V Vddana = 3.0V 56.1 63.8 72.6 dB
SINAD Signal to Noise and Distortion ratio 50.0 57.7 60.1
SNR Signal to Noise ratio 51.9 58.3 59.8
THD Total Harmonic Distortion -72.5 -62.4 -52.3
Noise RMS External Reference voltage - 0.80 - mV
  1. 1.These values are given without any ADC oversampling and decimation features enabled.
  2. 2.These values are based on characterization. They are not covered in test limits in production.
Figure 1. ADC Analog Input AINx
The minimum sampling time tsamplehold for a given Rsource can be found using this formula:

For 12-bit accuracy:
