Clock Distribution

Figure 1. Clock Distribution

The SAM L10/L11 clock system consists of these features:

The figure below illustrates an example, where SERCOM0 is clocked by the FDPLL96M in Open Loop mode. The FDPLL96M is enabled, the Generic Clock Generator 1 uses the FDPLL96M as its clock source and feeds into Peripheral Channel 11. The Generic Clock 10, also called GCLK_SERCOM0_CORE, is connected to SERCOM0. The SERCOM0 interface, clocked by CLK_SERCOM0_APB, has been unmasked in the APBC Mask register in the MCLK.

Figure 2. Example of SERCOM Clock
To customize the clock distribution, refer to these registers and bit fields:
  • The source oscillator for a generic clock generator 'n' is selected by writing to the Source bit field in the Generator Control n register (GCLK.GENCTRLn.SRC).
  • A Peripheral Channel m can be configured to use a specific Generic Clock Generator by writing to the Generic Clock Generator bit field in the respective Peripheral Channel m register (GCLK.PCHCTRLm.GEN)
  • The Peripheral Channel number, m, is fixed for a given peripheral. See the Mapping table in the description of GCLK.PCHCTRLm.
  • The AHB clocks are enabled and disabled by writing to the respective bit in the AHB Mask register (MCLK.AHBMASK).
  • The APB clocks are enabled and disabled by writing to the respective bit in the APB x Mask registers (MCLK.APBxMASK).