Interrupt Enable Set

This register allows the user to disable an interrupt without doing a read-modify-write operation. Changes in this register will also be reflected in the Interrupt Enable Clear register (INTENCLR).
  0x08 32 PAC Write-Protection 0x00000000  

Interrupt Enable Set

Bit  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24  
Bit  23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16  
Access          R/W R/W R/W R/W  
Reset          0 0 0 0  
Bit  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8  
Access            R/W R/W R/W  
Reset            0 0 0  
Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access        R/W     R/W R/W  
Reset        0     0 0  

Bit 19 – DPLLLDRTO: DPLL Loop Divider Ratio Update Complete Interrupt Enable

DPLL Loop Divider Ratio Update Complete Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DPLL Loop Ratio Update Complete Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DPLL Loop Ratio Update Complete interrupt.

0 The DPLL Loop Divider Ratio Update Complete interrupt is disabled.
1 The DPLL Loop Ratio Update Complete interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DPLL Loop Ratio Update Complete Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 18 – DPLLLTO: DPLL Lock Timeout Interrupt Enable

DPLL Lock Timeout Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DPLL Lock Timeout Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DPLL Lock Timeout interrupt.

0 The DPLL Lock Timeout interrupt is disabled.
1 The DPLL Lock Timeout interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DPLL Lock Timeout Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 17 – DPLLLCKF: DPLL Lock Fall Interrupt Enable

DPLL Lock Fall Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DPLL Lock Fall Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DPLL Lock Fall interrupt.

0 The DPLL Lock Fall interrupt is disabled.
1 The DPLL Lock Fall interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DPLL Lock Fall Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 16 – DPLLLCKR: DPLL Lock Rise Interrupt Enable

DPLL Lock Rise Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DPLL Lock Rise Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DPLL Lock Rise interrupt.

0 The DPLL Lock Rise interrupt is disabled.
1 The DPLL Lock Rise interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DPLL Lock Rise Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 10 – DFLLULPNOLOCK: DFLLULP No Lock Interrupt Enable

DFLLULP No Lock Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DFLLULP No Lock interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLLULP No Lock interrupt.

0 The DFLLULP No Lock is disabled.
1 The DFLL No Lock interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLL No Lock Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 9 – DFLLULPLOCK: DFLLULP Lock Interrupt Enable

DFLLULP Lock Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DFLLULP Lock Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLLULP Lock interrupt.

0 The DFLLULP Lock interrupt is disabled.
1 The DFLLULP Lock interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLL Lock Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 8 – DFLLULPRDY: DFLLULP Ready interrupt Enable

DFLLULP Ready interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the DFLLULP Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLLULP Ready interrupt.

0 The DFLLULP Ready interrupt is disabled.
1 The DFLLULP Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLLULP Ready Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 4 – OSC16MRDY: OSC16M Ready Interrupt Enable

OSC16M Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the OSC16M Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the OSC16M Ready interrupt.

0 The OSC16M Ready interrupt is disabled.
1 The OSC16M Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the OSC16M Ready Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 1 – CLKFAIL: XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt Enable

XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt.

0 The XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt is disabled.
1 The XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the XOSC Clock Failure Interrupt flag is set.

Bit 0 – XOSCRDY: XOSC Ready Interrupt Enable

XOSC Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the XOSC Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the XOSC Ready interrupt.

0 The XOSC Ready interrupt is disabled.
1 The XOSC Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the XOSC Ready Interrupt flag is set.