
The assembly code found in AVR410.ASM contains the RC5 decode routine. In addition, it contains an example program which initializes the resources, decodes the RC5 data and outputs the received command on PORTB.

The Detect Subroutine

When the detect subroutine is called, it first waits for the data line to be idle high for more than 3.5ms. Then, a start bit can be detected. The length of the low part of the first start bit is measured. If no start bit is detected within 131ms, or if the low pulse is longer than 1.1ms, the routine returns indicating no command received.

The measurement of the start bit is used to calculate two reference times, ref1 and ref2, which are used when sampling the data line. The program uses the edge in the middle of every bit to synchronize the timing. 3/4 of a bit length after this edge, the line is sampled. This is in the middle of the first half of the next bit (see the figure below). The state is stored and the routine waits for the middle edge. Then, the timer is synchronized again and the steps are repeated for the following bits. If the synchronizing edge is not detected within 5/4 bit times from the previous synchronizing edge, this is detected as a fault and the routine terminates. When all the bits are received, the command and system address are stored in the “command” and “system” registers. The control bit is stored in bit 6 of “command”.

Figure 1. Synchronizing and Sampling of the Data
Table 1. "Decode" Subroutine Performance Figures
Parameter Value
Code size 72 words
Register usage

Low registers used: 3

High registers used: 6

Global registers: 6

Pointers used: None

Table 2. "Detect" Register Usage
Register Internal Output
R1 "inttemp" - Used by TIM0_OVF  
R2 "ref1" - Holds timing information  
R3 "ref2" - Holds timing information  
R16 "temp" - Temporary Register  
R17 "timerL" - Timing Register  
R18 "timerH" - Timing Register  
R19   "system" - The System Address
R20   "command" - The Received Command
R21 "bitcnt" - Counts the bits received  

Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Interrupt Handler

The function of the timer interrupt is to generate a clock base for the timing required. The routine increments the “timerL” Register every 64μs, and the “timerH” every 16.384ms.

Table 3. "TIM0_OVF" Interrupt Handler Performance Figures
Parameter Value
Code size 7 words
Execution cycles 6 + reti
Register usage

Low registers used: 2

High registers used: 2

Global registers: 0

Pointers used: None

Table 4. "TIM0_OVF" Register Usage
Register Internal Output
R0 "S" - Temporary Storage of Sreg  
R1 "inttemp" - Used by TIM0_OVF  
R17 "timerL" - Incremented every 64μs  
R18 "timerH" - Incremented every 16.384ms  

Example Program

The example program initializes the ports, sets up the timer, and enables interrupts. Then, the program enters an eternal loop, calling the detect routine. If the system address is correct, the command is output on PORTB.

Table 5. Overall Performance Figures
Parameter Value
Code size

79 words - "detect" and "TIM0_OVF"

96 words - Complete example code

Register usage

Low registers: 4

High registers: 6

Pointers: None

Interrupt usage Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Interrupt
Peripheral usage

Timer/Counter 0

Port D, pin 2

Port B (example program only)