Data Write for SST25VFxxxx devices


The Byte-Program instruction programs the bits in the selected byte to the desired data, illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Byte Write Sequence (SST25VFxxxx)

Auto Address Increment (AAI) Program:

The AAI program instruction allows multiple bytes of data to be programmed without re-issuing the next sequential address location. This feature decreases total programming time when the entire memory array is to be programmed. Prior to any write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed.

The AAI program instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, AFH, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. Following the addresses, the data is input sequentially from MSB (bit 7) to LSB (bit 0). Once the device completes the programming byte, the next sequential address may be programmed. Enter the 8-bit command, AFH, followed by the data to be programmed. When the last desired byte has been programmed, and execute the Write-Disable (WRDI) instruction, 04H, to terminate AAI. After execution of the WRDI command, the user must poll the Status register to ensure the device completes programming.

Refer Figure 2 for AAI programming sequence. This is applicable for devices SST25VF010A and SST25VF020.

Figure 2. Auto Address Increment (AAI) Program Sequence (SST25VF010A/SST25VF020)

Auto Address Increment (AAI) Word-Program:

The Auto Address Increment (AAI) Word-Program Sequence is similar to Auto Address Increment (AAI) Program Sequence described above except: Refer Figure 3 for Auto Address Increment (AAI) Word-Program. It is applicable for devices SST25VF040B/080B.
Figure 3. Auto Address Increment (AAI) Word-Program Sequence (SST25VF040B/080B)