IP Blocks

The following table lists the IP blocks used in the Mi-V processor subsystem reference design and their function.

IP Name Function
INIT_MONITOR The PolarFire® Initialization Monitor gets the status of device and memory initialization.
reset_syn This is the CORERESET_PF IP instantiation which generates a system-level synchronous Reset for the Mi-V subsystem.
CCC_0 The PolarFire® Clock Conditioning Circuitry (CCC) block takes an input clock of 50 MHz from the on-board oscillator and generates a 53.3 MHz fabric clock for the Mi-V processor subsystem and other peripherals.
MIV_RV32_C0 (Mi-V Soft Processor IP) The Mi-V soft processor default Reset Vector Address value is 0x8000_0000. After the device reset, the processor executes the application from 0x8000_0000. TCM is the main memory of the Mi-V processor and is memory mapped to 0x8000_0000. The TCM gets initialized with the user application which stored in the SPI Flash. In the Mi-V processor memory map, the 0x8000_0000 to 8000_FFFF range is defined for TCM memory interface and the 0x6000_0000 to 0x6FFF_FFFF range is defined for the APB interface. The 0x8001_0000 to 8FFF_FFFF range is defined for the AXI interface which is used to interface the external DDR memory.
reset_syn_1 This is the CORERESET_PF IP instantiation which generates a system-level synchronous Reset for DDR3_0.
DDR3_0 (DDR3 Controller IP) This IP is used to perform DDR3 read and write operations. The data-width is set to 32-bit and memory clock frequency is set to 533 MHz, which is generated from a reference clock frequency input 53.3 MHz using a clock multiplier (x10) internal to the DDR3 IP. The DDR3 PLL generates a 533 MHz DDR3 memory clock frequency and a 133.25 MHz DDR3 AXI clock frequency.
COREAXI4INTERCONNECT_C1 AXI4 interconnect used to interface the Mi-V soft processor with the DDR3 Controller IP.
COREGPIO_0 The CoreGPIO IP controls the on-board LEDs using GPIOs. It is connected to Mi-V soft processor as an APB slave.


The UART_apb IP controls the UART peripherals used for serial communication.
COREJTAGDebug Used to debug the Mi-V soft processor.
APB3 APB3 bus interconnect to interface with peripherals.
Note: All the IP user guides and handbooks are available from Libero SoC > Catalog.