
The SmartDesign canvas accepts the following component types for instantiation:

Each of these design components, after instantiation, is identified by different colors in the Design Canvas. When you hover the over a component, a tool-tip appears with information about that component.

Table 1. Component Types in the SmartDesign Canvas and Tool-Tip
Icon Type of Design Components Tool-tip Information
??? Configured IP Core Component Component: my_pcie

Core: PF_PCIE 1.0.217

??? IP Core directly instantiated from the Catalog Core: PF_PCIE 1.0.217
??? Block (*.cxz) file Block: prep1
??? SmartDesign component (*.cxf) file SmartDesign: mytop
??? HDL Core HDL Core: mux4
??? HDL HDL:adder_shifter32
??? Macro Macro: RAM64x12

The tool-tip displays the following information about the component:

The status icon is displayed at the top-right corner of the instance. Hovering over an instance, opens a tool-tip to display the information or message. For example, A new version is available.