Click and Drag Operations

The following table lists the mouse click and drag operations available in the SmartDesign canvas.

Table 1. Mouse Click and Drag Actions
Mouse Actions Description
Left-click and drag towards the top-left corner, and release. Zoom in. The distance your cursor is dragged determines the magnitude of the zoom-in and is indicated by a positive integer in red.
Left-click and drag towards the top-right corner, and release. Zoom out. The distance your cursor is dragged determines the magnitude of the zoom- out and is indicated by a negative integer in red.
Left-click and drag towards bottom left, and release Zoom to fit. Change the display to fit the canvas view area snugly.
Left-click and drag toward bottom right, and release Draw a rectangle on the canvas. Instances, pins and ports must be fully contained inside the rectangle to be selected. Nets partially inside the rectangle are selected.