UC3C-Specific Information

AT32UC3C0512C pinout for the User Interface block

Table 1. UC3C Pinout for the Touch Sensors Interface
QFP144 pin GPIO GPIO Alternate Functions Feature
Table 2. UC3C Pinout for the LEDs and Push-Buttons Interfaces
QFP144 pin GPIO GPIO Alternate functions Feature
25 PA8 GPIO[8] LED0
132 PD23 GPIO[119] LED1
86 PC13 GPIO[77] or PWMH[2] LED2
131 PD22 GPIO[118] or TC0-A2 LED3
31 PA14 GPIO[14] PB0 push-button
48 PA29 GPIO[29] or EXTINT[0] PB1 push-button
  N.A. N.A. RST push-button, connected to the RESET_N pin
Table 3. UC3C Pinout for the Audio Jack, Microphone, and Potentiometer
QFP144 pin GPIO GPIO Alternate functions Feature
44 PA25 ADCIFA-ADCIN14 Microphone Input
32 PA15 DACIFB-DAC1B Jack Audio
26 PA9 ADCIFA-ADCIN5 Potentiometer
Table 4. UC3C Pinout for the QVGA LCD Display
QFP144 pin GPIO GPIO Alternate functions Feature
22 PA5 ADCIFA-ADCIN1 TFT YU Line Measurement
30 PA13 ADCIFA-ADCIN15 TFT YD Line Measurement
43 PA24 ADCIFA-ADCIN13 TFT XR Line Measurement
21 PA4 ADCIFA-ADCIN0 TFT XL Line Measurement
58 PB19 SPI1-MOSI TFT Interface through the SPI is not implemented by default. See Configurations and Test Points
59 PB20 SPI1-MISO TFT Interface through the SPI is not implemented by default. See Configurations and Test Points
60 PB21 SPI1-SCKI TFT Interface through the SPI is not implemented by default. See Configurations and Test Points
92-106 107-109 PC19-31 PD0-2 EBI D0 - EBI D12 EBI D13 - EBI D15 TFT Data Bus
128 PD19 EBI A15 TFT TE Signal
134 PD25 EBI NWE0 TFT Write Signal
135 PD26 EBI NRD TFT Read Signal
125 PD16 EBI 16 TFT Reset Signal
137 PD28 GPIO[124] or TC0-B0 TFT Backlight Signal