#if and #elif


#if condition

#elif condition


All the following lines until the corresponding #endif, #else, or #elif are conditionally assembled if condition is true (not equal to 0). Condition may be any integer expression, including preprocessor macros, which are expanded. The preprocessor recognizes the special operator #defined (name) that returns 1 if the name is defined and 0 otherwise. Any undefined symbols used in condition are silently evaluated to 0.

Conditionals may be nested to arbitrary depth.

#elif evaluates condition in the same manner as #if, except that it is only evaluated if no previous branch of a compound #if … #elif sequence has been evaluated to true.


#if 0 
// code here is never included 

#if defined(__ATmega48__) || defined(__ATmega88__) 
// code specific for these devices 
#elif defined (__ATmega169__) 
// code specific for ATmega169 
#endif // device specific code