
The Slot Lock mode of the Lock command is used to individually lock slots. Any slot that has the Lockable bit set and has not previously been slot-locked can be locked to prevent any further updates. This process is not reversible. Once a slot has been locked, it is permanently locked. In this mode of operation, the Summary CRC and Data fields are ignored.

For the ATECC608A-TFLXTLS, the following individual slots may be uniquely configured to be slot lockable or not: Slots 2-6, 8, 10-12, 13 and 15. For the ATECC608A-TFLXTLS prototype units, slots 10-12 may also be locked.

Table 1. SlotLock Input Parameters

(1 Byte)


(1 Byte)

Summary CRC
(2 Bytes)

(0 Bytes)

0x17 8’b00[bb_bb]10(1) 0x00 00 Individual Slot Lock
Note: 1 - [bb_bb] Indicates the 4-bit value that represents the slot being locked.
Table 2. Slot Lock Output
Name Size Description
Response 1 byte 0x00 if the command successfully locks the slot. An error code will output if the command fails.