Verify - Validate and Invalidate

The Verify command can be used to validate or invalidate a public key. Only those public keys whose access policies require validation need to go through this process. Prior to a public key being used to verify a signature, it must be validated. If a validated public key needs to be updated, then it needs to be invalidated prior to being written. Only internally stored public keys can be validated or invalidated. The status of a public key is stored in the most significant nibble of byte 0 of the public key slot.

For the ATECC608A-TFLXTLS device, Slot 14 contains a validated public key.

Procedure for Validating or Invalidating a Public Key

  1. 1.Using GenKey, generate a digest of the public key to be validated or invalidated and store it in TempKey.
  2. 2.OtherData[18:0] bytes must be the same as the bytes that were used when calculating the original signature.
    • OtherData[17][0] = 0 if you are going to validate the key
    • OtherData[17][0] = 1 if you are going to invalidate the key
    • This bit must match the Mode[2] value of the Verify Validate or Invalidate command or an error will occur.
    Note: The message is created in the same manner as for the Internal mode of the Sign command, but it uses the OtherData[18:0] bytes.
  3. 3.Issue the Verify Validate or Invalidate command, including the signature R and S values and the OtherData bytes.
  4. 4.Upon successful validation or invalidation, a code of 0x00 will be returned and bits [7:4] of the LSB of the slot will be set.
Table 1. Input Parameters - Verify Validate/Invalidate

(1 Byte)

(1 Byte)

Key ID
(2 Bytes)

Data Field (83 Bytes) Comment

(64 Bytes)

Other Data(1)
(19 Bytes)

0x45 0x03 0x00 0[Slot]

R value
S value

OtherData[17][0] = 0

Validates public key

0x07 0x00 0[Slot]

R Value
S Value

OtherData[17][0] = 1

Invalidates public key

  1. 1.Other Data byte values must align with the data used to generate the original message.
Table 2. Output Response - Verify Validate/Invalidate
Name Size Description
Response 1 byte
  • 0x00 - If signature is verified
  • 0x01 - If signature does not match
  • Error code - If there is a failure due to some other reason
ValidateNibble of Public Key 4 bits. Slot[n][0] [7:4] will be updated of the public key
  • 0x5 - If the public key has been validated
  • 0xA - If the public key has been invalidated
Table 3. Generated Message

32 bytes
1 byte
10 bytes
1 byte
4 bytes
2 bytes
5 bytes

TempKey digest of the PublicKey (must be generated by GenKey)
Sign Opcode
SN[8] = 0x01
SN[0:1] = 0x01 0x23

  1. 1.These bytes should match the bytes used in the original message that generated the signature. The original message calculation can be found in Section Internal Message Generation. The only exception is for bit 0 of byte 17, as described above.